Lowongan PT. Esco Bintan

Lowongan PT. Esco Bintan

Deadline kirim lamaran : Tidak memiliki deadline

Profile Perusahaan : PT. Esco Bintan Indonesia, Bintan Industrial Estate Lobam - Pulau Bintan
PT. Esco Bintan Indonesia https://escoindonesia.com/ From our headquarters in Singapore, the Esco Lifesciences Group directs a highly efficient research, product development, manufacturing, and customer service program. With global offices in eight additional locations, including Dubai, Esco provides equipment and post-sales services in more than 100 countries through more than 300 independent distribution partners. Esco is a world leader in biological safety cabinets, offering the industry’
Diterbitkan 1 tahun 2 bulan yang lalu



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