Widatra Bhakti Presentation

PT. Widatra Bhakti was founded as a pharmaceutical company that produced various pharmaceutical products. The name WIDATRA is taken from the Sanskrit word, vi-dhatavya, meaning the creator, the divination of fate and fortune, in line with order and balance. This meaning relates closely with the core commitment of PT Widatra Bhakti to provide health services for humanity.

Mengundang kehadiran mahasiswa PENS di Presentasi Industri oleh PT. Widatra Bakti pada:

  • Hari/Tanggal: Kamis, 21 Maret 2013
  • Jam : 13.00 WIB
  • Tempat : Theater PENS
  • Fasilitas : Doorprice dan Snack

Jangan sampai ketinggalan, apalagi tidak datang !!!

Pilihan Posisi

#Posisi sebagai : Peserta
Mahasiswa PENS

Pelaksanaan : 21-03-2013, jam 13.00 s/d 16.00

Profile Perusahaan : Widatra Bhakti, PT, Pasuruan
PT Widatra Bhakti was founded as a pharmaceutical company that produced various pharmaceutical products. The name WIDATRA is taken from the Sanskrit word, vi-dhatavya, meaning the creator, the divination of fate and fortune, in line with order and balance. This meaning relates closely with the core commitment of PT Widatra Bhakti to provide health services for humanity.

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