Wawancara PT. GMF
Berikut Hasil Psikotest GMF dan Undangan Tes Wawancara dengan User yang akan diselenggarakan 4 dan 5 April 2017 di Ruang Sidang Lantai 3 Gedung D3 Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya.
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Pilihan Posisi
Pelaksanaan : 1 Arpil 2017 08:00 s/d 4 April 2017 07:00
Profile Perusahaan : GMF AeroAsia, PT, Tangerang
PT GMF AeroAsia is a subsidiary of PT Garuda Indonesia, which focuses on Maintenance& Repair Organization (MRO) business. It is located in Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Cengkareng. The facilities, established in 1984, covers an area of 115 Ha, that can support complete repairs and overhaul services of aircraft, engine and component. The company is recognized as world class quality and services, it is reflected by approval/certificate granted to the organization, such as Indonesian DGCA,Diterbitkan 7 tahun 10 bulan yang lalu